Plantation Golf & Country Club - Venice, FL
The Turtle Dome House (Residential)


Project Description
There were several cracks in the concrete exterior, and the green paint on the concrete was beginning to "weather" from the Florida sun. The green color was not energy efficient to keep the interior of the home as cool as possible. Also, with no air-conditioning inside, the customer needed a long lasting, energy efficient solution on the exterior - while maintaining the unique exterior design of the home.
The "Turtle Dome House". This Tropical Restoration Project was highly complex due to the unique architectural design of the "roof". The "roof" of this home is essentially the entire home's exterior, since the house is a concrete dome. Prior to the Tropical Restoration, the home's concrete exterior was a green color.
The concrete exterior was first cleaned and dried prior to beginning coating application. The penetrations and small concrete cracks were then addressed with TRP #9400. Finally, the entire exterior of the house (i.e. - the "roof") had TRP #924 applied using a silicone spray-rig to uniformly apply the silicone across the exterior.
Aside from the complexity of the home's design, an interesting obstacle was this application took place Florida's notorious "Love-Bug Season". The area of this home had an extraordinary amount of "Love-Bugs", so the contractor worked with the homeowner to make sure that it was completed on certain days that the bugs were not as active.
In summary, a complete Tropical 924 Reflective Silicone Restoration System was successfully applied to the entire home's exterior surface and they received a 10-Year Labor & Material Warranty. This Tropical Restoration System provided a seamless, watertight and "cool roof" to the entire home's complex exterior, since the roof was essentially the entire exterior of the home.
Project Details
Roofing Contractor
Roof Sealing Systems
Roof Information
- 4,200 square feet
- 10-year-old concrete structure with some small concrete cracks and leaks throughout the structure.
- The entire exterior of the home is the "roof", since it is a concrete dome painted green
Materials Used

The homeowner explained how pleased they are that that the leaks have now stopped, their home is significantly cooler inside, and it looks so beautiful and clean! The contractor was extremely happy with the performance of the Tropical products and how the Tropical 924 sprayed so efficiently using a silicone spray-rig.
"Your Tropical 924 Silicone went above and beyond my expectations. I couldn't believe how well it pumped out of my [spray] rig and even more so… how well it was laying down on the substrate. A 10 out of 10 product to say the least." - Owner of Roof Sealing Systems