Beach Condominiums - Florida
Beach Condominiums - Florida


Project Description
The building owner wants to prolong the life of their roof while mitigating potential for leaks. After analysis of the existing roof condition, it was determined that the best solution to achieve the building owner's needs was to apply a Tropical "Cool Roof" Monolithic Silicone Restoration System.
The first condominium section has been completed with this restoration which was comprised of 4,000 square feet of FiberTite single-ply membrane.
As Standard procedure often conducted by a Tropical representative: an adhesion test was performed using the TRP 924 Silicone to the roof substrate (single-ply) to ensure required adhesion to the substrate. The TRP 924 Silicone greatly passed the adhesion test with 50x more adhesion than required.
Upon the contractor starting the Restoration Project on the First Condo Section, the contractor cleaned the entire roof substrate to be coated. Next the aging seams and penetration/flashing areas were addressed with TRP 9400 Silicone Mastic to reinforce them prior to applying the TRP 924. After the TRP 9400 was fully cured, the TRP 924 Silicone was then applied to the entire section 1 roof to achieve a seamless Fluid Applied Restoration.
Project Details
Roofing Contractor
Integrity Construction & Repair LLC
Beacon Roofing Supply
Roof Information
- ~4,000 square feet
- First Condo Section
- Substrate: Single-Ply: FiberTite
- Aging + Weathering of Substrate and Some Seams
- Spotty Ponding Water Areas
Materials Used

The 4,000 square feet of roof on the First Condo Section successfully had a Tropical 924 Silicone Restoration System installed on it. This Fluid Applied Restoration is now prolonging the life of the original, aged FiberTite substrate - protecting it from Florida's harsh exposure to the sun (UVs) and several other weathering/aging factors that occur. The ponding water areas were addressed and significantly reduced into small areas that are allowing the silicone to successfully hold them within the proper amount of time prior to them evaporating.
Integrity Construction & Repair did a remarkable job restoring the roof with the Tropical 924 Silicone System and ensuring that the building owner's needs were met. The building owner was very pleased with the results and agreed to move forward on having a Tropical 924 Silicone Restoration applied to the other roof sections of the entire condominium complex using Integrity Construction & Repair.